Organizational Charter

TORSA Taiwan Ocean Leisure Sports Development Association - Organizational Charter​

Date of Update: 2011/1/1

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1:
The name of the association is the Taiwan Ocean Leisure Sports Development Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association).

Article 2:
The Association is a legally established, non-profit social organization. It is founded on the spirit of love for the homeland and dedication, combining government and civil efforts to promote ocean leisure sports, conserve the environment, and elevate the level of domestic leisure sports. The objectives are to enhance physical and mental health, improve the quality of life and leisure for all citizens, and serve as a model for sustainable development.

Article 3:
The Association’s organizational region covers the entire national administrative area.

Article 4:
The Association’s headquarters is located at No. 60, Fucheng Street, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County, Taiwan. It may establish branch offices upon approval from the competent authority. The organizational rules for branch offices are drafted by the Board of Directors and implemented upon approval by the competent authority. The addresses of the headquarters and branch offices must be reported to the competent authority for record upon establishment and any changes.

Article 5:
The tasks of the Association are as follows:

  1. Conduct surveys, statistical applications, and research and development on national ocean leisure resources.
  2. Facilitate, introduce, and promote leisure sports activities.
  3. Assist in education and promotion related to ocean conservation and environmental protection.
  4. Help organize international large-scale leisure sports competitions to bring Taiwan onto the international stage.
  5. Assist in the promotion and research of government policies, laws, and regulations related to leisure sports and tourism.
  6. Assist in business training, workshops, and exhibitions in the leisure industry.
  7. Assist in public welfare activities and undertake tasks entrusted by government agencies or groups.
  8. Carry out other activities that align with the objectives of the Association.

Article 6:
The competent authority for the Association is the Ministry of the Interior. The supervising authorities for the Association’s purposes are the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and the Sports Administration, Executive Yuan. The Association’s activities are subject to the guidance and supervision of these authorities.

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 7:
The Association’s members are categorized into four types:

  1. Individual Members: Individuals who agree with the objectives of the Association, are at least 20 years old, submit a membership application, receive approval from the Board of Directors, and pay the membership fee, become individual members.
  2. Group Members: Organizations or groups that agree with the Association’s objectives, submit a membership application, receive approval from the Board of Directors, and pay the membership fee, become group members. Group members may appoint two representatives to exercise member rights.
  3. Reserve Members: Individuals who agree with the Association’s objectives but are under 18 years old. (Exempt from membership fees, do not have voting rights, require guardian consent)
  4. Sponsoring Members: Organizations or groups that agree with the Association’s objectives and voluntarily sponsor the Association become sponsoring members.

Article 8:

  1. Members (or their representatives) have the right to vote, elect, be elected, and recall. Each member (or representative) has one vote.
  2. Sponsoring members do not have these rights.

Article 9:
Members are obligated to comply with the Association’s charter, resolutions, and to pay membership fees.

Article 10:
Members (or their representatives) who violate laws, the charter, or fail to comply with the resolutions of the general meeting may, upon resolution of the Board of Directors, be warned or have their rights suspended. Members whose actions severely harm the Association may be expelled by a resolution of the general meeting.

Article 11:
A member will lose their membership under the following circumstances:

  1. If they lose their eligibility as a member.
  2. If they are expelled by a resolution of the general meeting.

Article 12:
Members may declare their withdrawal from the Association by submitting a written statement explaining their reasons.

Chapter 3: Organization and Authority

Article 13:
The general meeting of members is the highest authority of the Association. When the number of members (or their representatives) exceeds 300, regional representatives may be elected proportionally to convene a representative assembly to exercise the powers of the general meeting. The term of office for representatives is four years. The number of representatives and the election method are drafted by the Board of Directors and implemented upon approval by the competent authority.

Article 14:
The powers of the general meeting of members (or their representatives) include:

  1. Establishing and amending the charter.
  2. Electing and recalling directors and supervisors.
  3. Deciding on the amounts and methods for entrance fees, annual membership fees, business fees, and member donations.
  4. Approving the annual work plan, reports, budget, and final accounts.
  5. Deciding on the expulsion of members (or representatives).
  6. Approving the disposal of assets.
  7. Deciding on the dissolution of the Association.
  8. Deciding on other major matters related to the rights and obligations of members. The scope of the major matters mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 15:
The Association shall have 19 directors and 3 supervisors, elected by the members (or their representatives). The directors and supervisors shall form the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors, respectively. During the election of directors and supervisors, substitute directors and supervisors may also be elected based on the voting results. In the event of a vacancy, the substitute shall fill the position in sequence.

Article 16:
The powers of the Board of Directors include:

  1. Reviewing the qualifications of members (or representatives).
  2. Electing and recalling the executive directors and the chairman.
  3. Approving the resignation of directors, executive directors, and the chairman.
  4. Appointing and dismissing staff.
  5. Drafting the annual work plan, reports, budget, and final accounts.
  6. Other matters to be executed.

Article 17:
The Board of Directors shall consist of 5 executive directors elected from among the directors. Two of these executive directors shall be elected as the chairman and vice-chairman. The chairman oversees internal affairs and represents the Association externally. The chairman also serves as the chairman of the general meeting and the Board of Directors. In the chairman’s absence, the vice-chairman shall substitute. If both positions are vacant, a by-election shall be held within one month.

Article 18:
The powers of the Board of Supervisors include:

  1. Supervising the execution of the Board of Directors’ work.
  2. Auditing the annual final accounts.
  3. Electing and recalling the executive supervisor.
  4. Approving the resignation of supervisors and the executive supervisor.
  5. Other supervisory matters.

Article 19:
The Board of Supervisors shall have 1 executive supervisor, elected from among the supervisors. The executive supervisor oversees daily affairs and serves as the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. In the executive supervisor’s absence, a designated supervisor shall act as a proxy. If no proxy is designated, a supervisor shall be elected by the Board of Supervisors to act as a proxy. If the chairman of the Board of Supervisors (executive supervisor) is vacant, a by-election shall be held within one month.

Article 20:
Directors and supervisors serve without remuneration. Their term of office is four years, and they may be re-elected. However, the chairman may only be re-elected once. The term of office for directors and supervisors begins from the date of the first Board of Directors meeting of the current term.

Article 21:
A director or supervisor shall be dismissed if any of the following circumstances apply:

  1. They lose their eligibility as a member (or representative).
  2. They resign for a valid reason and the resignation is approved by the Board of Directors or the Board of Supervisors.
  3. They are recalled or removed.
  4. They are suspended for a period exceeding half of their term of office.

Article 22:
The Association shall have one secretary-general, appointed by the chairman to handle the affairs of the Association. Additional staff may be appointed by the chairman, subject to approval by the Board of Directors, and reported to the competent authority for the record. The dismissal of the secretary-general must first be approved by the competent authority.
The preceding staff members may not be concurrently directors or supervisors. The duties and responsibilities of the staff shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 23:
The Association may establish various committees, working groups, or other internal operational organizations. Their organizational rules shall be implemented upon approval by the Board of Directors and shall be subject to the same procedure for any amendments.

Article 24:
The Association may appoint an honorary chairman, honorary directors, and advisors as recommended by the Board of Directors. Their terms shall coincide with those of the directors and supervisors.